Monday, 5 May 2014

SEMUA ORANG adalah di bawah PENGAWASAN Kerajaan SEKARANG - Snowden

Edward Snowden (Reuters/Vincent Kessler)

tanahMALAyu Pengawasan Kerajaan tidak lagi mensasarkan individu, tetapi seluruh penduduk, bekas kontraktor CIA Edward Snowden berkata. Pemberi maklumat itu muncul melalui pautan video dalam perdebatan Toronto ke atas program perisikan NSA.

Mengulas mengenai telatah Agensi Keselamatan Negara (NSA), yang telah diterangkan pada masa lalu sebagai "Orwellian dalam alam semula jadi," Snowden berkata setiap rakyat dipengaruhi oleh program perisikan.

"Ia tidak lagi berdasarkan amalan paip tradisional disasarkan berdasarkan beberapa syak wasangka individu tentang salah laku, "kata Snowden dalam video ringkas. "Ia meliputi panggilan telefon, e-mel, teks, carian sejarah, apa yang anda beli, yang mana rakan-rakan anda, di mana anda pergi, yang anda kasihi (who you love)"

Link video Snowden telah ditayangkan semasa perdebatan Munk di Toronto, di mana bekas pengarah Pentadbiran Keselamatan Negara Amerika Syarikat Ketua Michael Hayden dan undang-undang Profesor Harvard Alan Dershowitz ‘went head to head’ dengan Glen Greenwald dan Reddit pengasas Alexis Ohanian yang banyaknya pengawasan kerajaan.

Greenwald  yang bekerja dengan Snowden menerbitkan bahan dikelaskan yang dia bocor di NSA, berhujah bahawa kerajaan perlu menggunakan pengawasan yang disasarkan, tidak sewenang-wenangnya kaedah ditahan itu sedang digunakan.

Hayden & Dershowitz, bagaimanapun, terperangkap kepada pendirian kerajaan Amerika, mengekalkan pengawasan yang perlu untuk memastikan keselamatan negara.

Snowden ditangani perdebatan dari Rusia, di mana beliau kini menetap sekarang selepas diberikan suaka politik sementara di negara ini pada bulan Jun tahun lepas. Pemberi maklumat itu terpaksa tinggal di Rusia selepas Washington mengeluarkan suatu perintah ekstradisi terhadapnya dan didakwa di bawah Akta Perisikan.

Sejak pautan keselamatan Snowden mendedahkan NSA mensasarkan berjuta-juta rakyat serta kerajaan asing dengan pengawasan, pemimpin-pemimpin DUNIA telah menyamakan kedudukan kritikan di Washington.

Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel melawat White House pada hari Jumaat buat kali pertama sejak dia menemui komunikasi peribadi beliau telah menjadi sasaran oleh NSA tahun lepas.

Ayat-ayat pada mulanya dicetuskan retorik puntung berapi dari pemimpin Jerman yang menyamakan agensi kepada Stasi polis rahsia Jerman Timur.

lawatan terakhirnya ini melihat Merkel menerima pakai pendirian yang lebih tentatif kepada isu ini dan berkata bahawa "di bawah keadaan sekarang "Amerika Syarikat dan Jerman mempunyai" perbezaan pendapat" untuk diatasi.

Washington mendakwa ia telah membuat beberapa perubahan kepada dasar-dasar pengintipan domestik dan antarabangsa berikutan ayat-ayat Snowden.

"Di dalam negara, kami cuba untuk memberi jaminan tambahan kepada rakyat Amerika bahawa privasi mereka dilindungi. Tetapi apa yang saya juga telah lakukan adalah mengambil langkah tidak pernah berlaku sebelum pesanan masyarakat perisikan kita untuk mengambil kepentingan peribadi orang bukan Amerika Syarikat kira-kira dalam segala-galanya yang mereka lakukan, "kata Obama pada Jumaat.

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Everyone is under Government Surveillance Now – Snowden

Government surveillance no longer targets individuals, but entire populations, former CIA contractor Edward Snowden has said. The whistleblower appeared via video link in a Toronto debate over the NSA intelligence gathering programs.

Commenting on the antics of the National Security Agency, which have been described in the past as “Orwellian in nature,” Snowden said every citizen is affected by intelligence gathering programs

"It's no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some individual suspicion of wrongdoing," Snowden said in the brief video. "It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love."

Snowden’s video link was screened during a Munk debate in Toronto, where former US National Security Administration director General Michael Hayden and Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz went head to head with Glen Greenwald and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian over government surveillance.

Greenwald, who worked with Snowden publishing the classified material he leaked on the NSA, argued that governments should use targeted surveillance, not the indiscriminate, dragnet method currently in use. Hayden and Dershowitz, however, stuck to the American government stance, maintaining that surveillance is necessary to ensure national security.

Snowden addressed the debate from Russia, where he is currently residing after being granted temporary political asylum in the country in June of last year. The whistleblower was forced to stay in Russia after Washington issued an extradition order against him and charged him under the Espionage Act.

Since Snowden’s security links revealed the NSA targets millions of citizens as well as foreign governments with its surveillance, world leaders have leveled criticism at Washington.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House on Friday for the first time since she discovered her personal communications were being targeted by the NSA last year. The revelations initially triggered firebrand rhetoric from the German leader, who likened the agency to the Stasi secret police of East Germany.

This latest visit saw Merkel adopt a more tentative stance to the issue and said that “under present conditions” the US and Germany have “differences in opinion” to overcome.

Washington claims it has made some changes to its domestic and international espionage policies following the Snowden revelations.

“Domestically, we tried to provide additional assurances to the American people that their privacy is protected. But what I've also done is taken the unprecedented step of ordering our intelligence community to take the privacy interests of non US persons into account in everything that they do,” said Obama on Friday.

HM enforced Syariah Law in Brunei on May . . .

Firman Allah Ta’ala: “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jika kamu membela (agama) Allah nescaya Allah membela kamu (untuk mencapai kemenangan) dan meneguhkan tapak pendirian kamu”. (GOD Almighty Say in the HOLY 'QURAN: “O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet”. (QS47: 7)

tanahMALAyu - HIS Majesty The Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam today announced that the enforcement of phase one of the Syariah Penal Code Order in Brunei will commence with effect from tomorrow, May 1, 2014.

The first phase of the Order covers general offences set by the state, including disrespecting the month of Ramadhan and not performing Friday prayers. General offences are punishable by fines, imprisonment or both.

Corporal punishment such as whipping and amputation of limbs for crimes such as theft will not be enforced until the second phase. The death penalty will come into force in the third phase.

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